It’s hard to believe that it has been ten years since the attacks of September 11, 2001. Today we pray for all of the victims, those who sacrificed themselves for the safety of others, our armed forces protecting our freedom, and all of the families of these people. We also pray for all of the citizens of America that we may uphold our country’s dignity.
God Bless America!
UPDATE 9/11/2014: Several people have asked for permission to use this image, and I realized that the need to ask for permission would not be necessary if there was some license text associated with it. Hence,
Image Rights
This work was created by Matthew Barry (2011) and released into public domain. This work is derived from the photograph “Tribute in Light” by Denise Gould (2006). As a work of the U.S. federal government, this image is in the public domain. See http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tribute_in_Light_(air_force_2).JPG for details
Please feel free to use this image however you wish and to share it with others. I only ask that you please do so in reverence toward those who perished on that infamous day and toward all who have given their lives for the freedom we so often take for granted.