I am quite fond of dolphins and cetaceans in general. The four dolphins in my avatar are Pacific white-sided dolphins vectorized (by hand) in 2008 from a photo taken at SeaWorld. I like these dolphins in particular because of their distinct appearance and the amount of energy they have: their impressive speed and acrobatic displays have given them the nickname, “the acrobats of the sea.”

The Komputerwiz Seal
In addition to the four dolphins avatar, I have a smaller, simpler, more seal-like icon (marine mammal pun not intended) that I use for my blog and in a few other situations where a dichromatic icon fits better than the full-color dolphins.
If you look closely, you will notice that the dolphin silhouette in this icon belongs to the second dolphin (from the left) in the original four dolphins avatar.
The “mb” letters in the seal are my initials, but could also stand for “Matthew’s Blog,” which was the original primary use of this icon.
Intellectual Property Notice
These logos are my personal avatars, but I will be happy to let you use them in most circumstances if you contact me.